
15 Genius Frugal Habits People Never Heard Of


In a world brimming with the allure of consumerism, discovering unconventional ways to save money is akin to finding hidden treasure. These genius frugal habits are your map to uncovering savings in places you never thought to look. Prepare to embark on a journey that will not only cushion your wallet but also enrich your life in unexpected ways. 

1. Freeze Your Gym Membership

Fitness Freaks
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Instead of paying for the gym, get creative at home or outdoors. Run, hike, or follow online workouts. It’s free and just as effective. This switch can free up more cash than you’d think. A 2013 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found similar improvements in muscle strength and endurance between home-based and gym-based resistance training programs.

2. Use Apps for Price Comparisons 

London, United Kingdom - October 01, 2018 The Shopular
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Smartphones are shopping allies. With price comparison apps, find the best deals in seconds. It’s like having a personal shopper who ensures you always get more bang for your buck.

3. Embrace the ‘One In, One Out’ Rule  

Baseball glove and ball
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For every new item brought home, one must go. This keeps clutter at bay and reinforces the value of new purchases. Think of it as a balanced scale for possessions, maintaining harmony and budget.

4. Volunteer for Events 

Volunteer for Events 
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Volunteering at events grants free access. It’s a win-win: help out and enjoy without spending a dime. From concerts to festivals, it’s a backdoor pass to entertainment and new experiences.

5. Community Garden Participation

Gardening Supplies
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Join a community garden instead of buying fresh produce. For a small fee or a few hours of work, you get a share of the harvest. It’s a cost-effective way to enjoy organic fruits and vegetables. Plus, it connects you with neighbors and nature. Studies suggest potential benefits like increased physical activity, improved access to fresh produce, and community building.

6. DIY Cleaning Products

Cleaning products and bucket
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Mix your own cleaning solutions with vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. It’s cheaper than store-bought and just as effective. Plus, it’s better for the environment.

7. Strategic Window Management

Exit strategy sign in a window with a view
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Use curtains and blinds smartly to control your home’s temperature. Open them to let sunlight warm your home in winter. Close them to keep them cool in summer. This natural method reduces reliance on heating and cooling, slashing energy costs.

8. Group Subscriptions and Memberships

Membership, word cloud concept 3
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Share subscription services like streaming or memberships with family or friends. Everyone gets access at a fraction of the cost. It’s a win-win for all involved. 

9. Cash-back apps for Everyday Purchases

Business woman hand hold credit card to shopping internet online bill on Computer
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Use cash-back apps when you shop for groceries and essentials. You’re buying these anyway, so why not get some money back? It adds up over time.

10. Invisible Savings Account: Out of Sight, Out of Mind  

Savings Savvy
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Create a savings account at a different bank from your checking account. Don’t get a card for it, and don’t bookmark the website. Automatically transfer a small amount each payday. This “invisible” account grows unnoticed, reducing the temptation to spend while effortlessly building your savings.

11. Pre-Loved Electronics: Go for Refurbished  

E-waste heap from discarded laptop parts
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Buying refurbished electronics can save you a bundle. This habit not only saves money but also supports recycling, reducing electronic waste. It’s smart shopping in the tech age, combining savings with sustainability.

12. Entertainment Book Club: Swap Stories, Not Cash 

Books are their best friends
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Instead of buying new books, start a book club with friends or family. Rotate books among members each month. This habit nurtures a shared reading experience and discussion, enriching your social life and intellect without costing a dime.

13. Negotiating Bills Annually

Entrepreneurs are about to sign a contract that allows partners to file cash
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Once a year, challenge yourself to negotiate all your service bills. Many companies offer discounts to retain customers. It’s a proactive way to reduce monthly expenses. The effort can lead to significant savings, rewarding you for a few hours of phone calls.

14. Borrow, Don’t Buy, Tools

Different hand tools
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Need a tool for a one-time job? Borrow it from a friend or a local tool library instead of buying it. It’s smart. Why own what you can borrow and return?

15. Digital Detox Days

woman sunglasses on vacation
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Designate days without digital entertainment. Skip streaming services and explore free or low-cost hobbies. Read, hike, or visit local free attractions. It cuts down on subscription costs and electricity, fostering new interests and experiences.

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