
21 Boomer Advice Millennials Are Tired Of Hearing


Many grandparents are willing to share their experiences. However, the time we live in today is much different than back then. A Reddit user asked the community what advice they hear from boomers that are now useless. Although there may be good intentions with the guidance, these Reddit users are tired of it and are ready for it to stop.

1. Playing Video Games Will Rot Your Brain

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A user shared that they were once told that playing video games would rot their brain. Someone from the community replied that they turned playing video games into a career by being a tester for SEGA Genesis, customer support for SONY Playstation, and then ran the first-ever MMORPG on the Internet.

2. Always Have a Dime For a Payphone

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Nowadays, everyone has a cell phone. So there isn’t a need to have a dime or quarter to use a payphone these days.

3. Your Eyes Will Cross Permanently

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You may have heard from your parents that if you sit too close to the TV, your eyes will cross permanently. Although it’s not advisable to put a device so close to your face, the word choices were more of a scare tactic. 

4. Too Many Employers On a Resume Is a Red Flag

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One user shared they were told to stick with one employer their whole career because having several employers on a resume is a red flag. Nowadays, switching companies is common in the industry. Most importantly, it can benefit a person financially without waiting for a promotion from their current employer.

5. You’re Not Always Going to Have a Calculator

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Everyone these days has a smartphone that comes with a calculator app. Even the most basic phones have a built-in calculator. But, unfortunately, we’ve all relied too much on our smartphones that we’re starting to be less smart.

6. You Can Retire Saving 10 Cents for Every Dollar You Make

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Another piece of advice that others have received regarding retirement planning is to save $0.10 for every dollar they make. They were advised that this was the surest way to retirement success.

7. Stop Filling Out Online Applications

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Everything is online, yet the older generation believes walking into an office in person and handing your resume to the hiring manager is the best way to get a job. If you show up in person, they will most likely tell you to apply online.

8. Go Into The Office Every Day

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One Reddit user said his dad kept telling him to stop working from home. But instead, he told him to go into the office every day. His dad told him that his presence at the office would show dedication, and his peers would notice it.

9. Never Get a Credit Card

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One user was advised never to get a credit card or take out a long because that would cause them to end up in debt. However, they acknowledged that that was a surefire way to have zero credit and never be able to get a mortgage, a loan, some medical care, or some jobs nowadays. 

10. Save Spare Change To Pay For Gas

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Another user shared that their great-grandmother kept reminding them to keep all spare change in their car. So, if they ever need gas, the spare change would be more than enough.

11. Don’t Take PTO Or You’ll Be The First One They Lay Off

In today’s job market, nothing is certain. Everyone is expendable. If anything, a person should take the paid time off they accrued and worked for. After all, who knows how long their employment will last?

12. Put 20 Percent As a Down Payment On a House

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A user shared that their parents insisted the only way to buy a house was 20% down. However, as he watched home prices go up, trying to save up to 20% became more challenging for him to reach. After running the numbers, he discovered there were first-time home buyer programs that were more beneficial.

13. Never Dress Better Than Your Boss

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Users shared that they were advised to “dress for success.” However, they were also advised not to stand out by dressing better than their boss.

14. Buy A Lot of Stamps Before They Go Up in Price

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Forever stamps are always sold at the same price as a regular First-Class Mail stamp.

15. Go to College And You’ll Always Have a Good Job

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A user shared that so many colleges are competing for money, enrolling unqualified people yet giving out degrees with no corresponding job market. They added that steady work and good pay aren’t guaranteed unless your major is in the medical field. 

16. Use landline for phone interviews

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The advice to use a landline for a phone interview doesn’t account for the prevalence and reliability of mobile phones today. Many people today rely solely on cell phones. While a landline might offer clearer reception, suggesting it as a requirement overlooks the quality of modern mobile networks.

17. One-page resume rule

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Traditionally, the one-page resume guideline was standard, but modern job markets often expect more comprehensive resumes, especially for individuals with diverse experiences. For those with substantial work history or skills, a two-page resume is now acceptable.

18. Using the Yellow Pages for directions

phone and phonebook
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The advice to use the Yellow Pages (printed phone directory) for directions is outdated in the age of smartphones and platforms like Google Maps. Millennials rely on digital maps and apps for navigation, making the Yellow Pages method obsolete.

19. Baby movement reduced near the end of pregnancy

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Saying the baby moves less because they “run out of room” can be misleading and potentially dangerous. Any change in fetal movements, especially reduced movements, should be taken seriously and promptly checked by a medical professional. This advice is old and neglects the importance of monitoring and reporting changes in fetal activity.

20. Marking personal information on belongings

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While the intention to mark personal items for identification is good, engraving sensitive information like a social security number on possessions is no longer recommended due to identity theft risks and data privacy concerns.

21. Using your computer for long hours

woman screaming at laptop
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The notion that nobody would pay for computer-related work is outdated. With the evolution of technology, many careers and job opportunities now revolve around computer-based work.

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