
20 Purchases That Signal You’re Jealous of Your Peers


We’ve all had moments when we buy an item simply because one of our peers owns it. These purchases are usually driven by jealousy rather than a genuine need for the item itself. We’ll discuss some of the common items people buy due to jealousy of their peers.

1. Smartphones

woman taking a selfie wearing glasses holding a phone
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These devices have become a ubiquitous status symbol. The desire for the latest model often, especially from top brands stems from a need to stay current with technology trends. The constant evolution of smartphones encourages people to upgrade frequently, just to fit in.

2. Apple gadgets

apple store
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A recent study shows that over 87% of teens in the US use iPhones. Most of these teens opt for iPhones because that’s what most of their colleagues have. Apple’s products have a unique allure that goes beyond their functionality. They’ve cultivated a brand image associated with innovation and trendiness, which is why many upgrade to the latest ones even if they don’t need them.

3. Luxury Cars

red sports car
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Vehicles, from practical to luxury, often serve as symbols of identity and status. Purchasing decisions are usually influenced by our peers, intelligent marketing, and the desire to fit into specific social circles. The concept of “keeping up with the Joneses” influences car choices, with individuals often seeking cars that mirror their desired image.

4. Paying for a lavish vacation

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This type of purchase often reflects a desire to showcase experiences and lifestyle. It’s a way of signaling financial capability among your peers. People might feel pressure to vacation in trendy or exotic locations to match the experiences of their peers or portray a particular image on social media.

5. Expensive designer clothes and accessories

woman and bag
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Purchasing high-end designer items can be a way of signaling wealth, sophistication, and love for fashion. It’s often driven by the desire to fit into certain social circles, especially if most of your peers are obsessed with fashion. The visibility of brand names and logos can also serve as a form of status display.

6. A membership to an exclusive club or resort

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Joining exclusive clubs or resorts can be seen as a way to gain access to a certain social class. It’s a means of networking with affluent or influential individuals, showcasing social status, and having access to privileges that are not available to everyone.

7. Tickets to a sold-out concert or sporting event

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Attending exclusive or sold-out events can signify one’s social connections, financial capability, or dedication to a particular interest. It’s often about being part of an elite group that has access to such events.

8. A high-end home entertainment system

kids watch tv
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Investing in top-tier entertainment systems such as home theatres from top brands like Samsung and Sony can be seen as a status symbol. It displays a commitment to luxury and a certain lifestyle. It’s also a way of showcasing one’s capability to afford the latest and most advanced sound technology.

9. A piece of art by a popular artist

hobby painting
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Acquiring art by renowned artists not only demonstrates a refined taste but also serves as a sign of wealth and cultural sophistication. It’s a way of showcasing an individual’s interest in art, especially if they live among peers who are obsessed with art.

10. A membership to a sports club or gym

gym woman lifting weights fit
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Joining exclusive sports clubs or gyms can signify a dedication to health and fitness, but it can also be a status symbol. These memberships might grant access to facilities and services that are not readily available to everyone, enhancing the exclusivity factor.

11. A private jet or yacht

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Buying a private jet or yacht is one of the most extravagant displays of wealth and status. They signify not just financial capability but also exclusivity, as private jets and yachts are luxury items accessible to a select few. Such purchases can be made out of jealousy, especially for wealthy individuals who live among peers who own one of these.

12. A home in an expensive neighborhood

big house with pool
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Buying a property in an affluent neighborhood reflects a desire for a certain lifestyle and social standing. It’s often about being part of a community known for its wealth and status.

13. A collection of rare or exotic wines

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Owning rare or exotic wines can showcase a sophisticated taste and an interest in luxury. It’s a display of knowledge and appreciation for fine things, often associated with a high social status.

14. A customized piece of jewelry

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Customized jewelry not only holds sentimental value but also signifies exclusivity and individuality. It’s a personal expression of style among your peers and can serve as a status symbol due to its uniqueness and potentially high cost.

15. Expensive high-end TVs

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Similar to other high-end technology purchases, expensive TVs from top brands like LG, Samsung, and Sony demonstrate a commitment to having the best available products. It’s a display of wealth and a desire to experience entertainment of the highest quality possible.

16. A gaming computer

steam coding games
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Investing in a high-performance gaming computer signifies a passion for gaming and technology. Such purchases are common among individuals who have gamer friends. Gaming PCs can be seen as a status symbol within gaming communities, showcasing the capability to afford cutting-edge technology and high-quality graphics.

17. High-end headphones

old woman singing with headphones
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Acquiring premium headphones from big brands like Apple, Sony, and Bose goes beyond just audio quality; it’s about the brand, design, and exclusivity. High-end headphones are often associated with superior sound experiences and can be a status symbol within audiophile communities.

18. Rare breed pets

woman with parrots
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Owning rare breed pets, whether they’re exotic animals or selectively bred domestic pets, can be a statement of uniqueness and exclusivity. It’s a display of having access to something uncommon, giving one bragging rights among their peers.

19. Luxury watches

vintage rolex watch
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Purchasing luxury watches from esteemed brands like Rolex and TAG Heuer can be a sign of sophistication, wealth, and status. These watches often represent craftsmanship, heritage, and exclusivity.

20. Rare or limited-edition collectibles

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Acquiring rare or limited-edition collectibles, such as limited-run toys, memorabilia, or unique items, showcases a dedication to collecting and an appreciation for niche interests. These items often hold significant value due to their scarcity and desirability among collectors. So, owning them can be a statement of individuality and status within specific enthusiast communities.

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