
15 Traits Kids Don’t Want To Inherit From Their Parents


Parents have a significant influence on their children’s development, shaping their personalities and behaviors as they grow up. However, not all traits that parents pass on to their children are positive. In a popular online thread, users shared the traits they most resent their parents for passing onto them. From anxiety to unhealthy eating habits, these traits can have a significant impact on a person’s life.

1. Anxiety

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One of the most common traits that people resent their parents for passing onto them is anxiety. Children who grew up with anxious parents may have picked up on their worries and fears, leading them to develop anxiety themselves. While anxiety can be inherited genetically, it can also be learned through observation and experience.

2. Lack of Self-Esteem

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Some children blame their lack of self-esteem on their parents, who may have been overly critical or neglectful. Growing up with parents who constantly put them down can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.

3. Poor Communication Skills

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Communication is a key skill that is essential for success in both personal and professional relationships. Unfortunately, some parents may not have taught their children how to communicate effectively, leading to difficulties in expressing their thoughts and feelings.

4. Unhealthy Eating Habits

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Childhood eating habits can have a significant impact on health and well-being later in life. Parents who don’t prioritize healthy eating or teach their children about nutrition may pass on unhealthy eating habits that can be hard to break.

5. Passive-Aggressiveness

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Some children grow up with parents who are passive-aggressive, using subtle hints or sarcasm to express their feelings instead of direct communication. This can lead to confusion and conflict in relationships, as passive-aggressive behavior can be difficult to interpret.

6. Lack of Financial Responsibility

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Financial responsibility is an important skill that children need to learn as they grow up. However, some parents may not have taught their children about budgeting, saving, or investing, leading to poor financial habits later in life.

7. Procrastination

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Procrastination is a common problem that can lead to stress and missed opportunities. Parents who procrastinate themselves may have unintentionally passed on this trait to their children, who struggle to meet deadlines and get things done on time.

8. Addiction

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Addiction is a complex issue that can be influenced by genetics, environment, and upbringing. Children of parents who struggle with addiction may be more likely to develop addictive behaviors themselves, leading to a cycle of destructive behavior.

9. Insecurity

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Growing up with critical or neglectful parents can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Parents who constantly compare their children to others or place unrealistic expectations on them can also contribute to insecurity. This can be a difficult trait to overcome, as it often stems from deep-rooted emotional wounds.

10. Stubbornness

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Some children resent their parents for passing on their stubbornness, which can lead to difficulty in compromising and accepting other perspectives. Parents who refuse to admit when they’re wrong or refuse to change their minds can inadvertently teach their children to do the same.

11. Perfectionism

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Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword, motivating people to strive for excellence but also leading to anxiety and stress. Parents who have high standards and are critical of mistakes can pass on their perfectionism to their children, leading to a constant feeling of not being good enough.

12. Judgmental Attitude

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Growing up with parents who are judgmental or critical of others can lead to children adopting a similar attitude. This can be damaging to relationships and lead to a lack of empathy and understanding toward others.

13. Lack of boundaries

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Parents who don’t set appropriate boundaries with their children may inadvertently teach them to have difficulty setting boundaries in their own relationships. Children may struggle to assert themselves and stand up for their needs, leading to unhealthy relationships and difficulty in saying “no”.

14. Emotional repression

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Parents who don’t express their emotions openly may teach their children to do the same. This can lead to difficulty in processing emotions and expressing them in a healthy way, leading to bottling up emotions and potential mental health issues.

15. Overthinking

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Overthinking can lead to anxiety and stress, and some children resent their parents for passing on this trait. Parents who constantly worry or obsess over small details may teach their children to do the same, leading to a constant feeling of being overwhelmed.

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