
15 Times People Should Always Haggle For A Better Price


Ready to turn your next shopping trip into a major win? We’re showing you the top situations where haggling isn’t just possible—it’s expected! You’ll save big with our tips, from catching electronics deals at the right time to knowing when to negotiate at flea markets.

1. At Flea Markets

Brussels, Belgium - December 26, 2019 Traditional flea market
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Flea markets are treasure troves of unique finds. Sellers expect you to haggle here. It’s part of the fun. You’re likely to get a lower price because items often have high markups based on their “finders-keepers” value.

2. Buying Furniture

Woman comparing price on diver furniture sets and appliances
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Furniture stores often work on large profit margins. According to Woodweb, the actual cost for manufacturers can vary based on how you define it. However, a general guideline is that the manufacturer’s selling price is often twice the cost of direct materials and labor, or even higher. As for the retailer’s selling price, it typically doubles what the manufacturer charges, before any discounts are applied.

3. Purchasing a Car

couple at dealership car shopping
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Car dealerships are battlegrounds for price negotiations. The sticker price? Just a starting point. Your ability to haggle could save thousands. Dealers have wiggle room, especially on last year’s models or the last few days of the month when they’re trying to meet quotas.

4. When Subscribing to Services

Review Subscriptions
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Cable and internet memberships come with hidden negotiation potential. Companies prefer keeping customers over the hassle of finding new ones. Highlighting competitor offers can work in your favor, leading to reduced rates or better packages.

5. At Yard Sales

At Yard Sales
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Yard sales are all about clearing out, not profit-making. Sellers are more open to offers, especially late in the day. Offering to buy multiple items can also lead to better deals, as it’s a win-win: you get a bargain, and they get rid of more stuff.

6. Buying Electronics in Person

Second-Hand Tech
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Electronics stores often have more flexibility on price than you’d expect, especially for last year’s models. Asking for a discount could lead to savings, as these items quickly lose value when new versions are released.

7. Holiday Packages 

Portrait of lovely buddies moving having holiday vacation scream
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Travel agents and holiday providers might drop prices to close a sale, especially for last-minute bookings. They’d rather offer a deal than let a seat or room go empty. It’s worth a shot to ask for a better price or added perks.

8. Home Repairs and Renovations

couple trying to do a home renovation
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Contractors have wiggle room in quotes for big jobs. Getting multiple bids and asking if there’s any way to lower the cost can lead to savings. Sometimes, choosing less busy seasons for work can also get you a discount.

9. High-End Fashion

Fashion clothes hang on a hanger
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Boutiques and high-end stores may reduce prices on seasonal items to make room for new stock. If you’re buying multiple items or eyeing something that’s been on the shelf for a while, a polite negotiation can work wonders.

10. Antique Shops

Antique shop interior at the Ratchada Train Market, Bangkok
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Antique shop owners often price items with a cushion for negotiation. They expect buyers to haggle, especially on higher-priced items. Sharing your knowledge about the piece and showing genuine interest can lead to a mutually agreeable price.

11. Custom Artwork and Crafts

Art Aficionados 
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Artists and crafters set their prices, but there’s often room for negotiation, especially on larger pieces or multiple purchases. They value their work but also appreciate it when someone truly admires it, making them more open to discussing price.

12. Local Farm Produce

Senior woman holding box with vegetables
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Buying directly from a farm stand? Prices can be flexible, especially if you’re buying in bulk or near the end of the day. Farmers prefer selling at a lower price to wasting unsold produce, giving you a perfect chance to haggle.

13. Gym Memberships 

Gym Memberships
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Gyms often have special rates they can offer to new members or those considering leaving. Expressing hesitation about the price might lead to an unexpected discount or extra months added to your membership without additional cost.

14. Tech Accessories

Personalized Tech Accessories
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

While main electronics are a no-go, accessories like cases, chargers, and headphones have higher markups and more price flexibility. Retailers are more willing to offer a deal on these, especially if you’re also buying a big-ticket item or multiple accessories.

15. Educational Courses and Workshops

Cheerful young speakers smiling to the audience while conducting work shop
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Private educators and workshop hosts may adjust pricing for serious learners, especially for advanced payment or group sign-ups. Demonstrating commitment or offering to help promote the course can also sway them to give you a discount.

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