
15 Things People Have to Ditch When Moving In With Someone


Moving in with someone marks a thrilling chapter in life’s book. It’s an adventure filled with shared dreams and, yes, a bit of necessary decluttering. Imagine merging two lives into one space! But fear not, we’re here to guide you through the art of letting go of things, not each other. Let’s embark on a journey through items ripe for a new home, not yours. 

1. Duplicate Appliances

Home appliances Group of white refrigerator washing machine
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Kitchens often bear the brunt of duplication. Two blenders? Unlikely to whip up double the smoothies. Opt for the newer or the one with the most horsepower. A streamlined kitchen promotes culinary collaboration over clutter.

2. Furniture Overlaps

Living room beige furniture set
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The game of Tetris has nothing on merging households. That extra loveseat might have sentimental value, but if it’s vying for space with a dining table, it’s time to reassess. Functional space trumps crowded corners every time.

3. Old Electronics

Old computer parts
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Electronics have a way of piling up, long past their prime. Selling these relics can not only clear space but also add a little cushion to your decor budget. Plus, it’s a nod towards sustainable living.

4. Books and Media

Schoolchildren sitting at desks and using laptops in school
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

While a shared library sounds romantic, duplicate titles do little but gather dust. Slimming down your collection can make room for new favorites you’ll discover together.

5. Excess Kitchenware

Composition with different utensils
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Merging kitchenware is less about quantity and more about quality. Keep the best, sell the rest. It’s the perfect recipe for avoiding the “whose turn is it to do the dishes?” debate.

6. Decor Items

White bedroom with simple decor items in beach styled home apartment
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Combining styles means compromise. That neon beer sign may not jive with minimalist chic. Selling off mismatched decor items allows you to create a cohesive aesthetic together.

7. Seasonal Gear

Fishing and Nature
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Seasonal decorations and sports equipment often duplicate unintentionally. Opting for a shared set reduces storage needs and unites traditions.

8. Sporting Equipment

Baseball and glove on American flag
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Fitness gear should inspire activity, not take up valuable living space. Consolidating to a shared set encourages joint workouts and adventures.

9. Clothing

Fashion clothes hang on a hanger
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

A shared closet means making tough calls. This purge can refresh your style and make room for a shared wardrobe that reflects both personalities.

10. Collectibles

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Nostalgia has its place, but not at the expense of living space. Keeping only the most cherished items ensures your home is a collection of shared memories, not clutter.

11. Unused Gift Cards

Card and pink bow with ribbons background with space for
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Unspent gift cards are untapped resources. Selling them can fund date nights or shared experiences, adding to your relationship rather than your drawer clutter.

12. Jewelry

Jewelry shop window display
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Jewelry that doesn’t see the light of day serves no one. Selling pieces you no longer wear can fund new memories or shared investments.

13. Tools and Garden Equipment

Modern gasoline lawn mower
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

 Unless you’re both avid gardeners or DIYers, duplicate tools and equipment are just garage fillers. Selling them makes room for shared hobbies and interests.

14. Cars

Fleet of Luxury Cars
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

In cities where public transport thrives, or if one car suffices, selling an extra vehicle makes financial and environmental sense. It’s a significant step towards a shared future.

15. Personal Items with No Shared Value

Businessman hands pulling money VALUE concept on brown wallet.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Items without emotional or practical value to both partners can make your space feel cluttered and impersonal. Selling these frees up space for items that tell your shared story.

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