
15 Things Job Applicants Are Lacking Preventing Them From Getting The Job


By addressing these areas and presenting themselves more effectively, job seekers can improve their chances of landing the job they desire. Many candidates struggle to demonstrate their qualifications clearly on their resumes or during interviews, failing to highlight their most relevant achievements and capabilities.

1. Continuous Learning

Focused teenage girl holding book and using laptop while continuous learning.
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Never stop growing. The job market evolves. So should you. Pursue certifications relevant to your field. A LinkedIn study found that applicants with certifications receive 6 times more views. Stay curious. Stay ahead. Industries evolve rapidly. A commitment to learning shows adaptability. Be that employee who’s always leveling up.

2. Volunteer for Experience

Happy volunteers in the park
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Experience doesn’t only come from paid jobs. Volunteer. It shows initiative and passion. Plus, it’s a great way to acquire and demonstrate new skills. Let your altruism speak volumes about your character.

3. Master Your Elevator Pitch

Meeting a new member of the team.
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Be concise. Be memorable. Your elevator pitch is your verbal business card. Harvard Business Review highlights its importance in making a strong first impression. Perfect it. Make sure it reflects your skills, experiences, and ambitions in a nutshell.

4. Show, Don’t Tell

man shaking hands
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Bring your achievements to life. Use quantifiable successes in your resume. Increased sales by 30%? Say it. Led a team of 10? Highlight it. Facts and figures are your friends. They provide clear evidence of your capabilities.

5. Cultivate an Online Presence

Social media
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Be visible. LinkedIn profiles with professional photos get 21 times more views. Engage in relevant online communities. Share your insights. A strong online presence makes you a magnet for opportunities. Over 70% of employers check social media profiles, per CareerBuilder. Ensure your LinkedIn reflects your latest achievements.

6. Personalize Your Approach

Close up of golfer putting on the green
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Customization is key. Tailor your application for each job. Studies show a 50% better success rate when resumes match the job description. Make hiring managers feel you’re speaking directly to them. It’s like crafting a key for a specific lock. A custom-fit resume says, “I’m made for this role.”

7. Leverage Your Network

Man using computer
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Your network is your net worth. Referrals increase your chance of landing an interview by 40%. Tap into your contacts. It’s about who knows you. Networking isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about cultivating relationships. Sometimes, it’s who you know that opens doors.

8. Follow Up Like a Pro

Person holding reminder note (2)
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Persistence stands out. A follow-up email can set you apart. It shows you’re genuinely interested. But remember, there’s a fine line between being persistent and being pesky. Balance is key. A thoughtful follow-up can highlight your enthusiasm. Don’t be the person who floods the inbox. Instead, be the candidate who shows interest and professionalism.

9. Master the Art of Storytelling in Interviews

Couple meeting with financial advisor
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Tell your story. Every question is an opportunity to showcase your achievements. Harvard Business School recommends structuring your answers to tell a compelling narrative. It’s not just what you’ve done; it’s how you present it. Describe your skills and achievements in narratives that captivate your audience. Be the protagonist of your career story.

10. Highlight Your Unique Skills

Highlight Your Unique Skills
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What makes you, you? Skills can be taught, but personality and unique talents set you apart. Forbes suggests focusing on soft skills like leadership and creativity. Identify what makes you distinct. Is it your ability to mediate conflicts, or perhaps your innovative approach to problem-solving? Highlighting these unique skills puts a signature on your work; it brands your application. 

11. The Magic of Mentorship

Business people shake hands after signing contract,
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Seek wisdom from those who’ve walked the path. A mentor can provide invaluable guidance, insights, and even connections to help you navigate your career journey. A study by Olivet Nazarene University found that 76% of people think mentors are crucial, but only 37% have one. Be part of the smart 37%. 

12. Be the Sherlock of Job Listings

Male office worker in suit holding cardboard sign written looking for a job
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Dig deep into job listings. Like Sherlock Holmes in a case, analyze the description for clues. What skills are they really after? Tailoring your resume with these keywords isn’t just smart; it’s strategic. An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) study reveals that tailored applications are 50% more likely to bypass the bots. Make your application the key that fits their lock perfectly.

13. Innovate: Be the Answer to Their Unasked Questions

Innovation text concept
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During your application or interview, aim to present yourself as a solution to problems the company might not even realize it has. This forward-thinking approach demonstrates initiative and creativity. A Forbes insight suggested that candidates who offer innovative solutions stand out as proactive and resourceful, significantly increasing their attractiveness to potential employers.

14. Embrace the Power of Personal Projects

Fashion designer working
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Personal projects are your secret sauce. They show initiative, passion, and practical skills. Whether it’s a coding project on GitHub or a marketing campaign, these gems provide tangible proof of your abilities. According to a Hacker Rank Developer Skills Report, 65% of hiring managers consider personal projects a critical hiring factor. Let your passion projects do the talking.

15. Master the Art of Following Industry Trends

Portrait of cheerful Caucasian Artwork

Stay ahead of the curve. Demonstrating knowledge of the latest industry trends shows you’re engaged and proactive. Join professional groups, and participate in relevant forums. A report from IBM found that professionals who keep up with industry trends are 10 times more likely to be considered for leadership positions. Be that trend-savvy candidate everyone wants to hire.

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