
15 Status Symbols Everyone Secretly Buys to Spark Envy


Many people may pretend otherwise, but lots of folks still purchase items with the sole aim of making their colleagues jealous. Usually, these are fancy things they’re sure their colleagues can’t afford or do not prioritize. In this article, we’ll explore some common items people buy to make others in their circle or society envious.

1. The latest iPhones

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iPhones are known for sleek design, cutting-edge technology, and status-symbol appeal. People often upgrade to the newest model for its improved features and to showcase their affinity for innovation and luxury.

2. Personalized earbuds

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Customizing earbuds with engravings adds a unique and personal touch to an everyday accessory. This customization can reflect one’s style, individuality, or even a special sentiment, making them more than just functional but also a fashion statement.

3. Luxury German cars

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These brands are renowned for their exceptional engineering, performance, and premium features. Owning a luxury German car signifies financial success and exudes elegance and sophistication, often making friends envious of the owner’s status and taste.

4. Gaming computer with RGB lighting

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Gamers take pride in their setups, and a gaming computer with gorgeous RGB lighting isn’t just about performance; it’s about creating an immersive and visually striking gaming environment.

5. Tesla

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Tesla has revolutionized the automotive industry with its electric cars and innovative technology. Beyond its environmental benefits, owning a Tesla can make a statement about one’s commitment to sustainability and forward-thinking.

6. Sneakers from top brands

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Specific sneaker releases are highly valued due to their limited availability or unique designs. Owning a pair of these sneakers can showcase one’s fashion-forwardness and in-the-know status within sneaker culture.

7. Designer jeans

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Wearing designer jeans from top brands like Versace and Gucci communicates a taste for luxury fashion, making them a status symbol that can elicit envy from fashion-conscious friends.

8. MacBooks

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MacBook laptops are not only known for their reliability but also their sleek and minimalist design. People often display their MacBooks prominently in public spaces, such as cafes or classrooms, to signal their affinity for premium technology and design aesthetics.

9. Color-changing nail polish

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This trendy beauty item allows individuals to experiment with their nail color dynamically. If you’re a lady, changing nail polish colors can become a talking point and a source of envy among friends.

10. Expensive perfumes

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High-end perfumes are made with intricate blends of scents and packaged beautifully. Wearing such perfumes can make a person feel more confident and alluring; others may envy the captivating fragrance.

11. Pull-out chair

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This versatile furniture piece combines comfort with functionality, making it a stylish addition to any home. The convenience of having cup holders and charging ports in a chair can make guests jealous of the owner’s thoughtful and well-designed living space.

12. Gorgeous chandeliers and light fixtures

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Elegant light fixtures can transform the ambiance of a room. People who invest in these fixtures receive compliments often and admiration from visitors who appreciate the beauty they bring to their living spaces.

13. Color-changing phone case

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Beyond just protecting a phone, a color-changing case adds an element of fun and surprise to a device. Friends and onlookers may be intrigued by the ever-changing colors and patterns, sparking envy or curiosity.

14. Face tracking webcam

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A face-tracking webcam ensures your face is always in focus during video calls. People who own one can enjoy smoother and more engaging video calls, potentially making their colleagues or friends envious.

15. Artwork

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Owning artwork from prominent artists reflects personal tastes and interests. Friends may envy the ability to curate a space with meaningful and visually appealing art pieces.

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