
15 Poor People Habits That Can Actually Save People Money


Did you grow up resourceful?  Making the most of less can shape who you are in surprising ways! Here are habits of people who grew up poor that might just explain your thriftiness, creativity, and resilience. Read on and discover the hidden strengths born from a not-so-privileged past!

1. Frugality

Automating Savings
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Every penny counts. This mantra is deeply ingrained in individuals from less affluent backgrounds. They tend to be cautious with spending, always looking for ways to save or get the best value for money. This habit stems from the necessity of managing limited resources wisely.

2. Resourcefulness

Woman using digital tablet
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Necessity breeds invention. Those who grew up with less are often adept at finding creative solutions to problems. Whether it’s repairing rather than replacing items or finding multiple uses for a single product, their ingenuity is a testament to their adaptive strategies.

3. Appreciation for Small Pleasures

elder couple writing in a book
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Joy in simplicity. Having experienced scarcity, individuals from poor backgrounds often find happiness in simple pleasures. A quiet evening at home, a homemade meal, or the beauty of nature can provide immense satisfaction that others might overlook.

4. Strong Work Ethic

Collaboration and analysis by business people working in modern office
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Hard work is a way of life. Understanding the value of effort and perseverance, those who grew up poor often display a remarkable work ethic. They’re usually willing to go the extra mile, knowing that opportunities are earned rather than given.

5. Deep Sense of Empathy

Lovely lady in international company
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Walking a mile in another’s shoes comes naturally. Experiencing hardship firsthand fosters a profound empathy towards others facing difficulties. This empathy often translates into acts of kindness and a strong desire to help those in need.

6. Reluctance to Borrow

man counting money
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Individuals who’ve experienced poverty often hesitate to borrow money or use credit. They’ve seen debt trap families and erode finances. Thus, they prefer saving for what they need or going without, rather than risking the burden of debt.

7. Creative Problem-Solving

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Limited resources foster creativity. Those who grew up poor become adept at finding solutions with what they have. This could mean repairing instead of replacing items or improvising tools instead of buying new ones. It’s a testament to human ingenuity in the face of scarcity.

8. Strong Community Bonds

friends sitting together on their phones
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Sharing struggles tends to bring people closer. Growing up poor often means relying on neighbors and friends for support, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. These strong bonds carry over into adulthood, valuing relationships over material wealth.

9. High Value on Education

Investment in Education
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Education is seen as a way out of poverty. Those who’ve lived through financial hardship often place immense value on learning, viewing it as a ticket to better opportunities. As a result, this habit manifests in a lifelong commitment to self-improvement and education.

10. Minimalist Lifestyle

Embrace a Minimalist Lifestyle
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Experiencing poverty can lead to a minimalist approach to possessions. People accustomed to living with less often find joy and sufficiency in simplicity. They prioritize need over want, leading to a lifestyle that is uncluttered by unnecessary possessions.

11. Diligent Money Management

man working on a computer glasses
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Individuals who’ve known scarcity tend to watch over their finances with great care. They often budget meticulously, tracking every expense to avoid the pitfalls of financial insecurity. This attentiveness ensures that they make the most of every dollar.

12. Appreciation for Non-Material Wealth

Happy interracial couple cuddling jack russell terrier in bed
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Growing up poor teaches the value of intangibles like love, family, and friendship over material possessions. Those with such backgrounds often carry a profound appreciation for moments and connections that don’t have a price tag, enriching their lives beyond monetary measures.

13. Skepticism Toward Luxury

Man and woman lying down on massage beds at luxury spa and wellness center
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There’s often a deep-seated skepticism about luxury and conspicuous consumption among those who have experienced real need. They question the value of expensive items, knowing that happiness and contentment don’t necessarily come from owning the latest or the most expensive products.

14. Resourcefulness in the Kitchen

Resourcefulness in the Kitchen
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Food insecurity or the need to stretch limited resources teaches creativity and frugality in the kitchen. Meals are made to go further, leftovers are repurposed, and nothing goes to waste. By doing so, one not only saves money but also instills respect for food and its value.

15. Early Financial Responsibility

Depressed businessman sitting at workplace and covering head
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Children who grow up in financially challenged households often take on responsibilities early, from part-time jobs to contributing to household expenses. This early introduction to financial responsibility fosters a work ethic and an understanding of money management from a young age.


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