
15 Major Cities Where Dining Out Breaks People’s Budget


Urban centers known for their culinary scenes often feature restaurants and eateries with high menu prices, making it challenging for residents and visitors alike to enjoy meals without overspending. The expense associated with dining out in these cities underscores the importance of budgeting and seeking cost-effective alternatives to maintain financial stability.

1. Zurich, Switzerland

Cityscape of night Zurich, Switzerland
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Eating in Zurich? Brace for impact. Even a simple meal can cost a small fortune. Here, a salad isn’t just fresh; it’s gold-plated, figuratively. Your wallet will feel lighter, but your taste buds might just thank you. Perfect for those who equate fine dining with fine spending.

2. Tokyo, Japan

Shinjuku Tokyo
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Land of sushi and culinary wonders. Tokyo’s dining scene? Exquisite but pricey. Fancy a Michelin-star experience? Save up first. It’s where your yen pays for precision, taste, and tradition. For the culinary adventurer, it’s a must-visit. Just don’t let the bill surprise you.

3. Oslo, Norway

The Royal opera house Oslo, Norway
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Oslo, where the Northern Lights meet northern price tags. Dining out? Prepare to pay a premium for that seafood. It’s fresh, it’s delicious, and yes, it’s expensive. A toast to Viking-sized bills and unforgettable flavors. Your bank account might disagree, but your palate will be pleased.

4. Paris, France

Eiffel Tower Paris, France
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 Paris is City of love, lights, and lofty restaurant bills. Craving that famous French cuisine? It comes with a side of sticker shock. From croissants to haute cuisine, your euros disappear quickly. Perfect for lovers who don’t mind splurging on ambiance and flavors.

5. Sydney, Australia

View of Sydney Harbour, Australia
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Sydney seduces with its beaches and bites. But beware, the prices bite back! Seafood by the harbor sounds dreamy until the bill arrives. It’s a paradise for foodies with deep pockets. Savour the experience, but remember, luxury comes at a cost down under.

6. Copenhagen, Denmark 

Copenhagen City , Denmark 
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Home to Noma, enough said. Copenhagen’s culinary scene is avant-garde, innovative, and yes, expensive. A city where dining is an art form. Experience flavors you didn’t know existed. Just be prepared; these artistic experiences come with a premium price tag. Ideal for the gastronomically adventurous with a well-endowed wallet.

7. New York City, USA

New York City Panorama, USA
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The city that never sleeps also never stops eating. From street food to exclusive restaurants, NYC has it all. But remember, fame comes at a cost. Dining here can drain your wallet faster than a New York minute, especially if you’re chasing stars—Michelin or Broadway.

8. London, United Kingdom 

Big Ben Westminister bridge London, United Kingdom 
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Fish and chips? Affordable. But London’s dining scene goes far beyond. Here, international cuisines meet British flair. Want to dine like royalty? It might just cost a king’s ransom. A culinary crossroads, where every meal can be an expedition—if you can afford the ticket.

9. Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Dubai, United Arab Emirates 
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In Dubai, extravagance is the standard. Dining is no exception. Fancy eating gold with that? It’s possible here. A city where the sky’s the limit, and so are the dining costs. Perfect for those who believe a meal can be a spectacle worth every dirham.

10. Venice, Italy 

Venice, Italy 
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Venice: romantic, beautiful, and oh-so pricey. Here, you pay for the view and the vibe, with a side of pasta. Tourist spots especially can see your euros floating away, like a gondola on the Grand Canal. For lovers of Italy willing to navigate the cost for an unforgettable experience.

11. Reykjavik, Iceland

Beautiful view of Reykjavik, Iceland
Photo Credit: Depositphotos

Land of fire and ice, where even a simple meal can burn through your budget. In Reykjavik, the natural beauty is matched by the sticker shock at restaurants. A destination for those who marvel at glaciers by day and dine under the Northern Lights, budget permitting.

12. Hong Kong China

Hong Kong Skyline
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East meets West in this bustling metropolis, offering a vast array of gourmet experiences. However, the cost of dining can soar as high as its skyscrapers. Ideal for food enthusiasts willing to invest in a diverse culinary journey, where each dish tells a story, at a premium.

13. Geneva, Switzerland

Urban view with famous fountain Geneva, Switzerland
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In the heart of Europe, Geneva presents a dining scene as refined as its watchmaking. Restaurants here cater to international tastes and wallets that are no strangers to Swiss bank accounts. Perfect for connoisseurs of the finer things in life, willing to pay the price for unparalleled quality.

14. San Francisco, USA

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, USA
Photo Credit: Depositphotos

In the shadow of Silicon Valley, dining out is as much about innovation as it is about sustenance. San Francisco’s culinary scene thrives on creativity, but your wallet might not. A city where food trends are born, and bills can quickly escalate. Ideal for trendsetters who don’t mind spending for the experience.

15. Singapore

Singapore at night
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A melting pot of cultures, Singapore offers a rich tapestry of culinary delights. From hawker centers to high-end dining, the range is vast but so can be the expense. For those who view dining as an exploration of cultures, Singapore is a must-visit, with costs that reflect its diversity.

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