
15 Frugal Habits The Middle Class Shouldn’t Ignore


Frugal habits are essential practices that the middle class should adopt to secure financial stability and long-term wealth. By integrating these frugal habits, the middle class can build a more secure financial future, reduce stress, and achieve greater financial independence.

1. Buying Second-Hand

Second hand shoes in a flea market, with a retro filter effect
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Many folks need to pay more attention to the value of pre-owned items. Thrift stores and online marketplaces offer everything from clothes to electronics at a fraction of retail prices. This approach not only saves money but also supports sustainability. 

2. Home Cooking Over Eating Out

Asian woman sitting separated in restaurant eating food with table
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Eating at restaurants feels easy and fun, but it’s a budget buster. Preparing meals at home is kinder to your wallet and often healthier. Plus, cooking can be a rewarding skill to master. 

3. Using Public Transport

Use Public Transportation
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Owning a car comes with hefty expenses: insurance, maintenance, and gas, to name a few. Public transportation, on the other hand, can drastically cut monthly expenses. It’s also a step towards reducing one’s carbon footprint.

4. Repairing Instead of Replacing

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In a throwaway culture, the instinct is often to buy new instead of fixing. However, repairing items, whether it’s clothing or electronics, can save significant amounts of money. It’s also an empowering feeling to make things last longer.

5. Utilizing Free Entertainment

Entertainment Night of the arrival of the New Year
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Paying for entertainment eats into budgets quickly. Parks, libraries, and community events often offer free or low-cost fun. Discovering these options can not only save money but also enrich social life in unexpected ways.

6. Creating a Budget

couple struggling to work on a budget
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A lot of people don’t enjoy crunching numbers. Yet, setting a budget is like planning a road trip. You need to know your starting point, your destination, and how much fuel (money) you’ll need along the way. It prevents detours into debt and keeps financial goals on track.

7. Skipping Daily Luxuries

Pretty woman using laptop and holding cup
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Coffee on the go is a small indulgence. However, it adds up faster than you’d think, much like how a dripping faucet can fill a bucket over time. Brewing at home and savoring a homemade cup can save more than just a few coins; it adds up to substantial savings annually.

8. DIY Projects

Man varnishing a wooden frame at home
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Many shy away from DIY, fearing it’s too complicated. But think of it as crafting, not construction. Simple home improvements or decorations can be done with a bit of creativity and some YouTube tutorials. It’s not just about saving money but also about the satisfaction of creating something on your own.

9. Bulk Buying

Salesman Accepting Mobile Payment From Customer In Cheese Shop
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Shopping in bulk is often bypassed for convenience. Yet, like stocking up for winter, buying in bulk can lead to significant savings. It’s all about purchasing non-perishable items or products you use regularly at a lower price point. This strategy reduces the cost per unit and trips to the store.

10. Cutting Subscriptions

No debt - credit card - scissors
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Subscriptions can slowly drain finances, similar to unnoticed leaks emptying a tank. A study by West Monroe Partners found that the average American spends $237 a month on subscription services, a significant portion of which is for unused services. Regularly auditing and canceling unnecessary subscriptions can free up a surprising amount of monthly income, emphasizing the importance of scrutinizing recurring expenses.

11. Energy Efficiency

Energy-Efficient Appliances
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Overlooking energy use is easy, yet small tweaks can lead to big savings. Switching to LED bulbs or unplugging devices when not in use works like turning off taps to save water. It’s about being mindful of consumption, which benefits the planet and the pocketbook.

12. Seasonal Shopping

woman shopping
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Waiting for the right time to shop is like planting a garden; patience yields rewards. Buying clothes and goods out of season often comes with hefty discounts. It’s a strategy that requires planning but ensures high-quality purchases without the steep price tags.

13. Generic Brands

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Brand loyalty can cost more than we realize. Opting for generic or store brands is like choosing a no-name puzzle over a branded one. The pieces fit just the same. These products often match their name-brand counterparts in quality but come at a fraction of the cost.

14. Group Memberships

Group of young business people interior and exterior designers architects
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Many skip the opportunity to share memberships or subscriptions. Think of it as carpooling; everyone gets to the destination but at a lower individual cost. Whether it’s a wholesale club or a streaming service, splitting the fee with friends or family can unlock savings for everyone involved.

15. Automatic Savings

Young pretty girl counts her savings money and looks to a model
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Setting up automatic transfers to savings accounts is often overlooked. Consider it planting seeds for future growth. 

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