
15 Common Traps Men Fall For On The First Date


Naturally, it is normal to feel nervous when meeting a new person for the first time. However, it is crucial to keep this nervousness in check to avoid falling into some traps that could alter the outcome of the date. Today, we will guide you through 15 common traps you should avoid falling for on your first dates. Without any further delay, let’s dive right in!

1. The perfect date

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This trap occurs when everything seems to go perfectly on a first date, making it easy to develop strong feelings, especially if your date is physically attractive. However, it’s important to remember that no one is perfect, and even the best dates have flaws.

2. Limited edition of “perceived scarcity”

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If your date is someone many would find attractive, you might feel pressured to lock them down quickly. It is crucial to avoid this desperation as it will harm your chances of building a genuine relationship with them.

3. Thinking they’re falling in love

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It’s common to get caught up in the excitement of a new relationship, especially on a first date. However, it’s crucial to recognize that true love takes time to develop.

4. Being too impressed with their looks

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Attraction to physical appearance is natural, but it’s essential to remember that looks aren’t everything. Take the time to get to know the person beyond their external appearance.

5. Being too agreeable

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Some individuals have charismatic personalities that can lead you to agree with everything they say. Staying true to yourself on a first date is essential, even if it means expressing differing opinions.

6. The pity party trap

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If your date shares all their problems on a first date, you might feel inclined to save or fix them. Remember that you’re not responsible for their happiness.

7. The jealousy trap

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Some women may attempt to make you jealous of their ex or others to create insecurity from the beginning. Don’t fall for this manipulation.

8. The gaslighting trap

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Gaslighting involves making you doubt your reality. So, be aware of any attempts to manipulate your perception of events or feelings.

9. The rushing trap

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It may not be a positive sign if your date is overly eager for a relationship and immediately pushes you into things like meeting family and friends.

10. Letting the woman choose the meet-up place

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Some ladies may choose an expensive restaurant solely for the meal rather than enjoying the date. Pay attention to the intentions behind the choice of location.

11. Tricking exposure of your financial status

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Be cautious if your date tries to extract information about your financial situation. This is a perfect sign of a gold digger.

12. Personal glorification

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Consider it a potential red flag if your date boasts about being perfect in past relationships. Nobody is flawless, and such claims might be exaggerated.

13. Making you feel bad for asking questions

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Asking reasonable questions on a first date is expected. If your date responds judgmentally or avoids answering straightforward questions, it may indicate a lack of compatibility.

14. Direct eye contact

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Some people maintain direct eye contact to test your confidence. Embrace it instead of shying away, as it can signify their interest.

15. Backhanded compliments

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“Negging” involves giving backhanded compliments, which can leave you unsure if you were praised or insulted. Recognize this tactic as an attempt to create self-doubt for their gain.

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