
15 Common Mistakes Boomers Make With Their Money


Financial planning isn’t always easy for Boomer parents, and it’s easy to hit a few snags. We’re unpacking the common missteps that can derail their financial security, including co-signing pitfalls and outdated financial products. Get ready for a straightforward guide to steering clear of these financial faux pas and sailing towards a more secure future.

1. Not Seeking Professional Advice

Seek Professional Help
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Many Boomer parents go it alone, thinking they can manage their finances without help. It’s like trying to fix a leaky faucet with duct tape. Sure, it might hold for a while, but eventually, you’ll wish you called a plumber. Professional advice can prevent small leaks from becoming floods.

2. Underestimating Healthcare Costs

Underestimating Healthcare Costs
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A common oversight is not planning for rising healthcare costs. As they age, these expenses can skyrocket, eating into savings. It’s akin to planning a road trip without accounting for gas prices. Suddenly, you’re out of budget halfway through.

3. Ignoring Estate Planning

Failing to Plan for Estate and Inheritance
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Some think estate planning is for the wealthy. However, without it, there’s no clear path for assets after they’re gone. It’s like leaving a puzzle without a picture guide. Loved ones are left to guess, often leading to unnecessary stress and conflict.

4. Playing It Too Safe with Investments

Invest Wisely
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Sticking solely to low-risk investments might seem wise, but it can lead to missed growth opportunities. Imagine only swimming in the shallow end of the pool. You’ll never experience the thrill of the deep end, nor learn to navigate it.

5. Overlooking the Need for Continuous Learning

elder couple looking on a tablet
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Financial markets evolve, and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Boomer parents sometimes set their strategies and forget them. It’s like using an old cookbook. Sure, the recipes are familiar, but there are new, possibly better ones out there.

6. Failing to Diversify Income Sources

Increase Your Income
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Many rely solely on pensions or savings. It’s like fishing in a pond that’s drying up. Exploring other income streams, such as part-time work or renting a property, can keep the water flowing.

According to Bautis Financial, approximately 44% of Americans engage in at least one additional job. This trend is driven by diverse motivations. For some, the need for an extra income stream is essential to cope with soaring expenses.

7. Neglecting to Update Financial Plans

Couple meeting with financial advisor
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Life changes, but sometimes, financial plans don’t. It’s similar to following an old map in a city that’s expanded. Regular updates ensure plans match current life stages, making goals more achievable.

8. Overlooking Inflation’s Impact

Lifestyle Inflation
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Some need to remember that a dollar today won’t stretch as far tomorrow. It’s akin to packing a light jacket for a winter trip, only to find the weather has turned much colder. Accounting for inflation means savings won’t fall short when needed most.

9. Misjudging Retirement Needs

Retirement Contributions
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A common mistake is underestimating how much they’ll need. It’s like planning a day’s hike with just a snack. Without enough resources, the journey can become much harder than anticipated.

10. Letting Debt Linger

Businessman in high interest debt business concept
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Carrying debt into retirement is like running with a backpack full of rocks. It slows progress and adds unnecessary strain. Paying off debt before retirement can free up more funds for enjoying those years to the fullest.

11. Not Embracing Technology

New Remove BG Save Share Sample New Access to websites and online Internet technology applied to people
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Many Boomer parents stick to traditional banking and might shy away from online banking or investment apps. This hesitation can mean they miss out on easier management and better investment opportunities. It’s like using a map when you have GPS at your fingertips.

12. Co-signing Loans Without Caution

LOANS words, hundred dollar bills, golden coins and calculator on wooden
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Co-signing loans for loved ones is a generous act, but without caution, it’s like signing up for a marathon without training. If the primary borrower defaults, you’re suddenly racing to protect your credit score and finances.

13. Sticking to Old Financial Products

Businessman working on computer with Financial
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Loyalty to old bank accounts or insurance policies might feel comfortable, but it’s like refusing to switch from a flip phone to a smartphone. Newer financial products often offer better benefits and interest rates, adapting to changing economic climates.

14. Ignoring Digital Security Measures

Security camera or cctv camera on ceiling
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While not diving deep into technology, basic digital security is often overlooked. It’s akin to leaving your house keys under the mat. Simple steps like updating passwords and monitoring accounts for unusual activity can keep financial data locked up tight.

15. Avoiding Conversations About Money with Family

Avoiding Conversations About Money with Family
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Money talks with family are often avoided, but silence is like ignoring a check engine light. Open discussions about financial expectations and legacies can prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone’s on the same page.

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