
15 Cheap Foods Parents Fed Their Kids That Were Really Amazing


Childhood memories of favorite meals can bring about feelings of nostalgia, comfort, and warmth. However, sometimes as we grow older, we start to understand the context in which these meals were made. This online thread discusses meals people loved as kids but realized as adults their parents only made because they were struggling financially.

1. Kraft Mac and Cheese

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Kraft Mac and Cheese is a beloved childhood classic. It’s quick and easy to make, and the bright orange cheese sauce is irresistible to children. As adults, many of us still enjoy this meal, but we may also realize that our parents made it so often because it was cheap and affordable. This realization may lead to feelings of nostalgia mixed with a sense of gratitude for our parents’ resourcefulness.

2. Spaghetti with Ketchup

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Another childhood favorite is spaghetti with ketchup. Many of us remember eating this dish regularly and loving its simplicity. As adults, we may realize that our parents made this meal because they couldn’t afford expensive tomato sauce or other ingredients. While this realization may be bittersweet, it also serves as a reminder of the sacrifices our parents made to provide for us.

3. Beans and Rice

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Beans and rice are a staple in many cultures and a popular meal for people on a tight budget. As kids, we may have enjoyed this meal for its savory taste and comforting texture. As adults, we may recognize that our parents made it because it was an affordable and nutritious option. This realization can lead to a deeper appreciation for the meal and the resourcefulness of our parents.

4. Ramen Noodles

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Ramen noodles are a cheap and easy meal that many of us remember from our childhoods. Whether eaten as a snack or a meal, they were always a favorite. As adults, we may realize that our parents made this meal because it was affordable and easy to prepare. This realization may cause us to feel a mix of nostalgia and appreciation for our parents’ ability to make the most out of limited resources.

5. Bologna Sandwiches

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Bologna sandwiches were a lunchtime staple for many of us growing up. Whether eaten with mustard, ketchup, or mayonnaise, they were always a reliable and tasty option. As adults, we may recognize that our parents made this meal because it was a cheap and easy way to provide us with protein. This realization may make us appreciate the sacrifices our parents made to ensure we had enough to eat.

6. Tuna Casserole

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Tuna casserole was a favorite dish for many of us as children. It’s a hearty and comforting meal that’s easy to make and fills you up. As adults, we may recognize that our parents made this meal because canned tuna was an affordable source of protein. This realization may evoke feelings of appreciation for our parents’ resourcefulness and love for us.

7. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

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Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were a staple in many households, and for good reason. They’re delicious, easy to make, and filling. As adults, we may realize that our parents made this meal because it was a cheap and convenient option. This realization may make us feel grateful for our parents’ efforts to provide for us and give us a comfortable childhood.

8. Potato Soup

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Potato soup is a classic comfort food that many of us associate with our childhood. It’s creamy, filling, and easy to make. As adults, we may realize that our parents made this meal because potatoes were a cheap and abundant food source. This realization may make us appreciate the efforts our parents made to provide us with warm, nourishing meals even when times were tough.

9. Hot Dogs

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Hot dogs were a favorite for many of us growing up. They’re easy to prepare, tasty, and affordable. As adults, we may recognize that our parents made this meal because it was a cheap source of protein. This realization may make us appreciate the sacrifices our parents made to provide us with a decent meal even when times were tough.

10. Canned Soups

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Canned soups were a lifesaver for many busy parents trying to provide for their families. They’re easy to make, require little preparation, and are affordable. As adults, we may realize that our parents made this meal because it was a convenient and affordable option. This realization may make us appreciate the efforts our parents made to ensure we had enough to eat, even when money was tight.

11. Apples with Peanut Butter

apples and peanut butter
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A fantastic snack for kids, apples with peanut butter offer a tasty combination of sweetness and creaminess. With Apples and peanut butter, your little ones will get the natural goodness of fiber from apples and valuable proteins from peanut butter.

12. Alphabet Soup

alphabet soup
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Alphabet soup is not just a meal; it’s a delightful adventure for kids. We recommend this meal, especially for sick days or school lunches. This soup brings the joy of discovering pasta letters while enjoying a warm and comforting bowl. Parents can sneak in nutritious ingredients such as chicken, beef, or vegetables, making it a win-win for both taste and health.

13. Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili
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Your kids might not always be fans of veggies, but a flavorful and slightly smoky Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili could change that. The sweet potatoes add a touch of sweetness, and black beans bring protein and fiber to the table. You can serve it with fun sides like tortilla chips, making it a much more kid-friendly and nutritious option.

14. Classic Mac & Cheese

classic mac and cheese
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When it comes to comfort food for kids, Classic Mac & Cheese is a winner. The whole-wheat noodles sneak in some fiber, and the gooey, sharp Cheddar makes it irresistibly cheesy. Fortunately, it is quick to prepare and a great homemade alternative to the boxed version.

15. Black Bean Tacos

Black Bean Tacos
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Tacos are always a hit with kids, and Black Bean Tacos are no exception. Mashed canned beans seasoned to perfection will create a simple yet tasty filling for your kids. You can also allow your kids to have fun by allowing them to customize the tacos with their favorite toppings like lettuce, tomato, and salsa.

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