
12 “Scary” Things Boomers Feared Growing Up And Still Do


From the darkest corners of our childhood memories to the present day, there are certain things that have always had the power to scare us. These fears, once experienced as kids, have a way of lingering, even as we grow older.

1. The Dark

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The fear of darkness is a timeless dread that many experienced as children and continue to grapple with as adults. When the lights go out, the imagination runs wild, conjuring up hidden monsters lurking in the shadows. Even as grown-ups, that unnerving feeling of the unknown can still send shivers down the spine, reminding us of the childhood fear of what might be hiding just out of sight.

2. Heights

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From treehouses to playground slides, heights were once a source of both thrill and terror for many kids. As adults, that fear of heights can resurface when faced with tall buildings, open balconies, or even a high viewing point. The mind plays tricks, imagining the worst-case scenarios of falling from great heights, triggering the lingering fear that haunted childhood playtimes.

3. Spiders

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Arachnophobia is a common fear that can persist well into adulthood. As kids, the sight of a spider crawling across the floor could send us screaming out of the room. Even now, the mere glimpse of a spider lurking in a corner can trigger a similar reaction, reminding us of the primal fear of these eight-legged creatures and the potential threat they may pose.

4. Ghosts

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Ghosts have long been a staple of childhood fears, with their ethereal presence and eerie stories that send shivers down the spine. As adults, the fear of the supernatural can still linger, whether it’s a creepy house or a dark room that stirs up memories of ghostly encounters. The imagination can still run wild, conjuring up images of restless spirits lurking in the shadows.

5. Failure

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While not a tangible fear like the others on this list, the fear of failure is a deep-rooted apprehension that often begins in childhood and continues into adulthood. Whether it’s the fear of disappointing loved ones or the dread of not living up to one’s own expectations, the fear of failure can be a persistent source of anxiety. The echoes of childhood insecurities and pressures can still haunt individuals, reminding them of the fear of falling short.

6. Monsters Under the Bed

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The classic fear of monsters lurking beneath the bed is one that many people can relate to. As children, the thought of a hidden creature ready to snatch them from their slumber was enough to keep them wide-eyed and sleepless. Even today, the remnants of this fear can surface, prompting a quick glance under the bed or a reluctance to dangle one’s feet over the edge, reminding us of the vulnerability and vivid imagination of childhood.

7. Public Speaking

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For many individuals, the fear of public speaking develops early in life. Standing in front of a classroom or a crowd of people can still evoke the same feelings of anxiety and vulnerability that were experienced during those early school presentations. The fear of judgment and the pressure to perform flawlessly can still be paralyzing, reminding us of the discomfort we felt when faced with speaking in front of others as children.

8. Thunderstorms

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Thunderstorms can be awe-inspiring yet terrifying, with their booming thunder and flashes of lightning. As kids, the loud cracks and rumbles often sent us scurrying for cover, seeking solace under blankets or in the arms of loved ones. Even as adults, the fear of thunderstorms can persist, bringing back memories of vulnerability and the unpredictability of nature’s power.

9. Abandonment

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The fear of being abandoned or left alone is a deep-seated fear that often takes root in childhood. Whether it stems from early experiences or a fear of losing loved ones, the sense of abandonment can still send waves of anxiety through individuals as adults. This fear can manifest in different ways, from anxieties surrounding separation to fears of rejection or being left behind, reminding us of the primal need for connection and security.

10. The Unknown

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The fear of the unknown is a universal fear that transcends age. As children, stepping into the unfamiliar territory of the unknown could be incredibly unsettling. From exploring a darkened basement to venturing into the depths of an unexplored forest, the fear of what might be lurking in the shadows often kept children on edge. Even as adults, the fear of the unknown can arise when facing new challenges or embarking on uncharted paths, reminding us of the vulnerability and anticipation that accompanied childhood adventures.

11. Clowns

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Clowns, once seen as bringers of joy and laughter, have often become the stuff of nightmares for many people. The exaggerated features, painted faces, and mysterious intentions can instill a deep-seated unease. The unsettling feeling of not knowing what lies behind the cheerful facade can still send shivers down the spine, evoking memories of childhood circuses or unsettling encounters with these enigmatic figures.

12. Dolls

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Innocent playthings that become harbingers of fear, dolls have a knack for unsettling people both young and old. Their lifeless eyes and frozen expressions can be a source of uncanny discomfort. Whether it’s the fear of their eyes following your every move or the eerie feeling that they possess a hidden life of their own, dolls can still evoke a sense of unease, reminding us of the sinister undertones that lurk within childhood playrooms.

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