
12 Outdated Parenting Styles That Are Making Kids Miserable


Parenting trends can have a profound impact on children’s lives, shaping their development and future. While many trends aim to improve parenting practices, some have been less than ideal. These parenting approaches, often characterized by excessive control, neglect of important aspects, or unrealistic expectations, can have negative consequences on children’s well-being.

1. Helicopter Parenting

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Helicopter parenting refers to an excessive level of parental involvement and control over a child’s life. These parents constantly hover over their children, monitoring their every move and decision, and often shielding them from any potential harm or failure.

2. Tiger Parenting

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Tiger parenting involves extremely strict and demanding parenting methods, with a heavy focus on academic success and achievement. These parents set high expectations and pressure their children to excel in academics, extracurricular activities, and other areas of life.

3. Attachment Parenting

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Attachment parenting emphasizes the constant physical presence of the parent, typically through practices like co-sleeping, baby-wearing, and extended breastfeeding. While building a strong parent-child bond is important, adhering rigidly to attachment parenting principles can lead to challenges in developing a child’s independence and autonomy.

4. Sharenting

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Sharenting refers to the oversharing of a child’s personal information, photos, and milestones on social media by parents. While it can be tempting to share every adorable moment of a child’s life, this trend raises concerns about privacy and consent.

5. Competitive Parenting

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Competitive parenting revolves around constantly comparing one’s child to others and striving for them to be the best in every aspect of life. This trend often leads to an unhealthy environment of pressure and unrealistic expectations.

6. Overindulgence

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Overindulgent parenting involves satisfying a child’s every desire and indulging them with excessive material possessions and privileges. While it’s natural to want to provide for one’s child, an overindulgent approach can result in a lack of gratitude, entitlement, and a distorted sense of reality.

7. Parenting by Proxy

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Parenting by proxy refers to relying excessively on technology, such as tablets or smartphones, to entertain or occupy children. This trend can lead to a disconnect between parents and children, as well as hinder the development of real-life social and cognitive skills.

8. Neglecting Self-Care

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Neglecting self-care is a trend where parents put their own needs and well-being on the backburner while prioritizing their children’s every requirement. While it’s admirable to be dedicated to one’s children, neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, stress, and mental health issues in parents.

9. Labeling and Stereotyping

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Labeling and stereotyping children based on their abilities or characteristics is a harmful trend that can have long-lasting effects. Whether it’s labeling a child as “lazy,” “shy,” or “hyperactive,” these stereotypes can shape a child’s self-perception and limit their potential.

10. Snowplow Parenting

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Snowplow parenting involves clearing all obstacles from a child’s path, ensuring they never face adversity or failure. While the intention may be to protect and provide opportunities for success, this trend deprives children of valuable learning experiences.

11. Intensive Scheduling

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Intensive scheduling is a trend where parents fill their children’s schedules with numerous activities, leaving little time for rest, relaxation, or unstructured play. While exposing children to various opportunities can be beneficial, an overpacked schedule can lead to exhaustion, stress, and a lack of time for independent exploration and creativity.

12. Neglecting Emotional Intelligence

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Neglecting emotional intelligence is a trend where parents focus solely on academic achievement while ignoring the emotional well-being and social development of their children. Emotional intelligence encompasses skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and managing emotions.

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