
14 “Terrible” Things Gen X Parents Did That Their Millennial Kids Swear Never to Repeat


Parenting is a never-ending journey that is both challenging and rewarding. However, some parents may look back on their parenting style and regret some of the decisions they made. Luckily, those children probably swore to never treat their children like that.

1. Hitting or Spanking Their Children as a Form of Discipline

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Physical discipline was a common practice in the past, but it has since been proven to have long-term negative effects on children’s mental health and well-being. Many children who grew up in households where spanking was the norm now vow not to repeat this behavior with their own kids. Instead, they are opting for more effective and compassionate forms of discipline, such as positive reinforcement and setting clear boundaries.

2. Comparing Their Children to Others

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Many parents make the mistake of comparing their children to others, whether it be in academics, sports, or social skills. This can cause children to feel inadequate and negatively impact their self-esteem. Children who grew up with parents who made comparisons often promise not to repeat this behavior with their own kids. Instead, they strive to create a nurturing environment where their children feel supported and encouraged to be their best selves.

3. Neglecting Their Mental Health

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Parenting can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, and many parents neglect their own mental health in the process. Children who grew up with parents who struggled with mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, often swear not to repeat this behavior. They recognize the importance of taking care of their own mental health so they can be present and supportive parents for their own children.

4. Being Overprotective

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Some parents can be overprotective and shelter their children from the world. While their intentions may be good, this can hinder children’s development and make it difficult for them to navigate the real world. Children who grew up with overprotective parents often vow not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they try to strike a balance between protecting their children and allowing them to explore and learn from their mistakes.

5. Imposing Their Beliefs on Their Children

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Parents may have strong beliefs or values that they want to pass down to their children. However, imposing these beliefs on their children can be harmful and make it difficult for children to develop their own sense of identity. Children who grew up with parents who imposed their beliefs often promise not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they strive to create an open and accepting environment where their children can explore their own beliefs and values without fear of judgment or rejection.

6. Ignoring Their Children’s Feelings

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Some parents may dismiss their children’s feelings or tell them to “toughen up.” However, this can make children feel like their emotions are not valid and hinder their emotional development. Children who grew up with parents who ignored their feelings often vow not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they aim to create an open and accepting environment where their children can express their emotions without fear of judgment.

7. Making Negative Comments About Their Appearance

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Body image is a sensitive topic, and parents who make negative comments about their children’s appearance can have long-term effects on their self-esteem. Children who grew up with parents who made negative comments about their appearance often swear not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they do their best to promote a positive body image and self-love in their own children.

8. Forcing Their Children to Follow a Certain Career Path

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Some parents may have specific career aspirations for their children and pressure them to follow a certain path. However, this can make children feel like they are not in control of their own lives and hinder their ability to explore their passions. Children who grew up with parents who forced them to follow a certain career path often vow not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they aim to support their children’s interests and encourage them to pursue their own path.

9. Using Technology as a Babysitter

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Technology can be a helpful tool, but using it as a babysitter can be harmful to children’s development. Children who grew up with parents who relied heavily on technology often swear not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they strive to limit screen time and prioritize activities that promote creativity, socialization, and physical activity.

10. Ignoring Their Children’s Achievements

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Some parents may focus too much on their children’s shortcomings and fail to acknowledge their achievements. However, this can make children feel like their efforts are not recognized and diminish their motivation to succeed. Children who grew up with parents who ignored their achievements often vow not to repeat this behavior. Instead, they aim to celebrate their children’s successes and encourage them to pursue their goals.

11. Expecting Blind Obedience

furious angry mom at teenage daughter girl
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Unlike past generations that often expected children to comply without questioning, millennial parents prioritize nurturing critical thinking skills. Encouraging children to question and understand the reasons behind their actions helps them develop autonomy, reasoning, and independent decision-making abilities.

12. Neglecting Work-Life Balance

woman working on the laptop
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The work culture of Gen Z parents often entailed long hours away from home, impacting the time spent with their children. Millennial parents are increasingly prioritizing a healthier work-life balance, valuing quality time and recognizing its significance in their children’s upbringing.

13. Labeling Kids

angry mom with messy hair
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Older parenting methods often involved labeling children, such as “the smart one” or “the funny one.” However, millennial parents understand the limitations and potential harm of such labels. They are now opting instead to encourage their children to explore the full spectrum of their personalities and abilities without confining them to fixed roles.

14. Overemphasizing Academics

bored woman college student
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While academic achievement is important, millennial parents are embracing a more holistic approach to upbringing. They understand the significance of fostering a balanced development by promoting creative, social, and physical activities alongside academic pursuits. This approach aims to nurture well-rounded individuals beyond just scholarly achievements.

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