
10 Gross Parenting Habits That Scream “Trashy” Parents


Being a parent is a challenging and rewarding experience. It requires patience, responsibility, and a commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your children. Unfortunately, not all parents take this responsibility seriously, and some exhibit behaviors that can be harmful to their children’s well-being.

1. Dirty or Unkempt Children

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The state of a child’s hygiene is a reflection of their parent’s responsibility. Parents who neglect their children’s personal hygiene, such as allowing them to wear dirty clothes or go without bathing for extended periods, may not be providing adequate care. In the Reddit thread, one commenter described a mother who “would only bathe her kids once a week, and they had to share the same bathwater.” This kind of behavior can be harmful to a child’s health and well-being.

2. Letting Children Watch Inappropriate Content

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Parents who allow their children to watch inappropriate content are not only exposing their kids to potentially damaging material, but also demonstrating a lack of concern for their well-being. One commenter in the thread shared an experience where their friend’s mother would “let them watch R-rated movies at 8 years old and not supervise them.” This can lead to desensitization to inappropriate content and may affect the child’s behavior and attitudes.

3. Smoking or Vaping Around Children

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Parents who smoke or vape around their children are exposing them to secondhand smoke, which can have harmful effects on their health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), secondhand smoke can cause ear infections, respiratory infections, and asthma attacks in children. In the Reddit thread, one commenter described their parents’ behavior, saying “they smoked in the house around me all the time, and I ended up with a constant cough.” This kind of behavior not only harms the child but also sets a poor example.

4. Allowing Children to Go Hungry

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Parents who neglect their children’s basic needs, such as providing adequate food, may be demonstrating a lack of responsibility. One commenter in the thread shared an experience where their friend’s mother would “eat in front of the kids and not give them anything.” This kind of behavior can lead to malnourishment, which can cause long-term damage to a child’s health.

5. Ignoring a Child’s Medical Needs

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Parents who neglect their children’s medical needs, such as refusing to take them to the doctor when they’re sick or not administering prescribed medication, may be putting their children’s health at risk. In the Reddit thread, one commenter described their mother’s behavior, saying “she refused to take me to the hospital when I had appendicitis and waited until it ruptured.” This kind of neglect can lead to severe health consequences or even death.

6. Ignoring a Child’s Mental Health Needs

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Parenting isn’t just about providing for your child’s physical needs; it’s also about promoting their mental health and well-being. Parents who ignore their child’s mental health needs, such as refusing to seek therapy or medication for mental health issues, may be putting their child’s well-being at risk. In the Reddit thread, one commenter shared an experience where their mother would “ignore my mental health and tell me to pray it away.” This kind of neglect can lead to long-term emotional and psychological damage.

7. Engaging in Substance Misuse

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Parents who engage in substance misuse are not only risking their own health and well-being but also that of their children. In the Reddit thread, one commenter shared an experience where their father “would smoke weed in front of us all the time, and sometimes he would even try to make us smoke it too.” This kind of behavior not only exposes children to harmful substances but also sets a poor example for healthy decision-making.

8. Ignoring Personal Boundaries

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Parents who ignore their children’s personal boundaries, such as invading their privacy or engaging in inappropriate behavior, are not respecting their child’s autonomy or safety. In the Reddit thread, one commenter shared an experience where their father “would come in the bathroom while I was showering and just stand there and talk to me.” This kind of behavior can make a child feel uncomfortable, violated, or even traumatized.

9. Encouraging Aggressive Behavior

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Parents who encourage aggressive behavior, such as allowing their children to bully or hurt others, may be setting their children up for a lifetime of negative consequences. In the Reddit thread, one commenter shared an experience where their mother “would laugh when we would hit each other and call it playing.” This kind of behavior can lead to normalized aggression and a lack of empathy, which can affect the child’s relationships and behavior as they grow up.

10. Neglecting Education

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Parents who neglect their children’s education, such as not encouraging them to attend school or not providing them with adequate resources to succeed, may be limiting their child’s future potential. In the Reddit thread, one commenter shared an experience where their parents “wouldn’t let me go to school because they didn’t want to wake up early.” This kind of neglect can lead to limited career opportunities and financial instability for the child as they grow up.

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